Clock counting down to midnight on New Year's Eve; silver stars in foreground

Holiday Countdown: Happy, Healthy New Year!

This is the fifth and final installment of our holiday series!

Every New Year is a chance to think about what we’re grateful for and change what needs improvement. If you’re looking forward to making some healthy changes in 2017, New Year’s Eve is the time think about your relationship with food.

You should definitely enjoy preparing and eating every meal, but food shouldn’t be a reward or consolation. If you’re an emotional eater, think about other ways to relieve stress, sadness or anger. Exercise – even simple stretches – is a great way to relieve many sources of stress. If you spend most of your day sitting, stretch for 10 minutes every hour.

People often tend to overeat when they’re tired, so make sure you’re getting adequate rest. Late-night carb cravings are your body’s way of tapping into a quick sugar high to supply energy you should be getting from a good night’s sleep.

Seasonal changes and holiday celebrations make it natural to eat more during certain times of the year, but nutritionists will tell you that weight cycling (also called yo-yo dieting) promotes certain health problems. “Some studies suggest that weight cycling may increase the risk for certain health problems. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gallbladder disease.”

There are certain myths associated with weight cycling [link]. Losing and regaining even 50 pounds or more won’t redistribute weight or make a difference in how your body processes nutrients, but it may have adverse psychological effects. It can be demoralizing to reach your goal weight and watch the pounds slowly creep back on.

Most of us in the states are feeling the cold this time of year. Women are more sensitive to cold than men, so it’s natural to want to stay indoors. Unless you’re among the relative few accustomed to working or training outdoors, that can make it difficult to maintain a fitness routine. Short winter nights suppress the production of melatonin, which contributes to the sluggishness we associate with winter.

Traditional winter foods and beverages are also usually high in carbohydrates. Not only do carbohydrate-rich diets worsen the condition for gas sufferers, carbohydrate consumption is associated with weight gain and belly fat.

Think of New Year’s Eve and you’ll probably imagine the ball drop – and a bottle of champagne. If you want to welcome 2017 with a glass of bubbly, sip it slowly and enjoy yourself. Champagne is one of the best choices for partygoers who want to avoid carbs, but its effervescence can cause problems for gas sufferers. Remember to drink water throughout the night, particularly if you don’t limit yourself to a flute at midnight. For more info about what to drink on New Year’s Eve, read our holiday blog post or this carb chart.

Lighten the carb load this year while you celebrate the holidays. If you just can’t pass up your holiday favorites, two CharcoCaps® capsules will help you enjoy them without worry!

CharcoCaps® dietary supplement relieves gas and bloating FAST!*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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