flatulence word cloud

Straight Talk About An Embarrassing Subject: Flatulence

If you’re frequently troubled by excessive intestinal gas, you’ve probably tried and failed to get it under control. Here’s the information you need to manage the embarrassment of intestinal gas.

Just like the children’s book says, everyone passes gas. As you probably know, intestinal gas escapes through the rectum. Bloating is caused by gas that hasn’t yet been released by the body.  “Some gas after eating – and releasing it through belching or flatulence – is normal. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, most people produce as many as one to four pints of gas a day, which they pass, on average, about 14 times a day.”  Common though the bodily function may be, publicly passing gas is usually a lot more embarrassing than say, burping or sneezing.

If you’re frequently troubled by excessive intestinal gas, you’ve probably tried and failed to get it under control. Here’s the information you need to manage the embarrassment of intestinal gas.

Healthy Eating for Intestinal Gas Sufferers

Proper nutrition

If you often experience the embarrassment of passing gas, you might try to avoid gas-producing foods.

The trouble is that you’ll likely miss out on a varied diet and possibly not be adequately nourished. Nutritionists have determined  that eating a variety of foods, including vegetables, increases the likelihood of getting enough Vitamin C and other essential nutrients. ” … .”

Rather than completely eliminate a food from your diet, try eating small portions of  ‘suspect’ foods.  Donald Novey, MD, says “Some people find they are gassy if they eat fruits with proteins, or if they eat starches and proteins together.” You can also safely eat hard cheeses, full fat, additive-free yogurts (with no added sugar) or other sources of milk, such as goat and sheep milk.

Pros and cons of probiotics

Digestive enzymes take several weeks to make a difference but it can take some experimentation to find what works for you. Digestive enzymes have limited effectiveness with fiber and lactose. (Labels with the following words contain lactose: nonfat dry milk, milk powder, dry milk solids, whey curds, and caseinate milk sugar.)

Supplements for a healthy digestive tract

Activated charcoal, such as CharcoCaps capsules, “attaches to fluid in your gut, reducing gas and bloating and creating firmer stools.”

Get Moving For Healthier Digestion

Benefits of exercise

“Whether the result of poor diet, inactivity or a chronic intestinal condition, gas can build up in your belly and make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.”

Best exercises for gas sufferers

According to LiveStrong, certain yoga asanas (postures), such as Pawanmuktasana (the Wind Relieving Pose) “help to push excess gas through the belly in order to expel it.” Good old-fashioned crunches also help to contract and release your stomach muscles, which can help move painful gas efficiently through your digestive system.”

Just for Women

Intestinal gas and menstruation

Many women experience digestive issues during the menstrual period.  Pop Sugar’s medical columnist, a board-certified doctor, writes: “Once menstruation is triggered, chemicals called prostaglandins are released. … In a published study on prostaglandins and the menstrual cycle, prostaglandin levels measured in women during their periods showed that women with diarrhea had higher levels of prostaglandins in their system. Thus, it is possible that higher or excess levels of prostaglandins could be the cause of the diarrhea and gurgly noises you experience during your period, as they cause increased contraction and motility of the smooth muscle of the digestive tract.”

Intestinal gas and menopause

Menopause doesn’t cause intestinal gas. Early studies thought it might have been triggered by decreased estrogen levels. Doctors speculate that women may try to cope with symptoms by making dietary changes. “Diets recommended keeping bones strong after menopause – low in saturated fats and high in fiber and soy – may actually contribute to the production of gas. And, women who attempt to increase their calcium intake with milk may have some intolerance to lactose, which can also add to the production of gas.”

Your doctor can best advise you about a healthy combination of nutrition and exercise. If you just can’t pass up your favorite comfort foods, two CharcoCaps® capsules will help you enjoy them without worry. CharcoCaps® dietary supplement relieves gas and bloating FAST!*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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