Add the activated charcoal from a CharcoCaps capsule to instantly spook-ify your drink.
Check out some of our favorite recipes below!
Black Cider Mocktail
- Sparkling apple cider
- Dried orange
- 1 lemon
- DIY black sugar
- 2 capsules of CharcoCaps
- Add the sugar to a small bowl and open up the charcoal capsule
- Mix well and transfer to a small shallow plate
- Cut lemon into wedges
- Use a lemon wedge to wet the rim of the glass
- Dip the rim of the glass into DIY black sugar
- Fill glass with sparkling apple cider
- Mix in one capsule of CharcoCaps
- Mix well and garnish with a dried orange
Caution: Activated charcoal is so effective it's scary! 👻 It can interfere with some sustained release medications and other traditional medications if taken at or near the same time (typically within 2 hours). If you have any concerns, consult your physician first.
Dia De Los Muertos Mocktail
- 4 oz limeade
- 2 oz orange juice
- 2 oz club soda
- 1 lime
- DIY black salt
- 2 capsules of CharcoCaps
- Add the fine sea salt to a small plate and open up the charcoal capsule
- Add in one capsule of CharcoCaps
- Use a lime wedge and wet the rim of a glass
- Dip the rim of the glass into DIY black salt
- Add ice
- In a cocktail shaker, add ice, limeade, orange juice, and 1 capsule of CharcoCaps
- Shake well and strain over glass with ice
- Top with club soda and garnish with a lime wedge
Caution: Activated charcoal is so effective it's scary! 👻 It can interfere with some sustained release medications and other traditional medications if taken at or near the same time (typically within 2 hours). If you have any concerns, consult your physician first.
"Dirty" Shirley Mocktail
- 12 oz ginger ale
- 2 oz grenadine
- Maraschino cherries
- 1 capsule of CharcoCaps
- Add ice to a glass
- Pour in 2 oz of grenadine
- Fill glass with gingerale
- In a small bowl, add 1 capsule of Charcocaps
- Dip cherries into charcoal until coated
- Add to drink and dip until some of the charcoal starts to bleed into the drink
Caution: Activated charcoal is so effective it's scary! 👻 It can interfere with some sustained release medications and other traditional medications if taken at or near the same time (typically within 2 hours). If you have any concerns, consult your physician first.

Make them yourself with a FREE SAMPLE of CharcoCaps
Limited time offer while supplies last.
Redeem SampleWhat is CharcoCaps?
- CharcoCaps is a detoxifying digestive aid that’s made up of naturally-derived activated charcoal, a black, odorless, flavorless powder.
- It binds to gas and toxins, carrying them safely out of the digestive system.
- CharcoCaps has been clinically shown to relieve symptoms of pressure, bloating, flatulence and stomach discomfort caused by gas.
- It’s fast acting, gentle on the stomach, and safe with no known side effects when used as directed.
Caution: This product is not intended as a treatment for accidental poisoning. Activated Charcoal may adsorb medications if taken at the same time. Consult a physician if you are taking drugs as this dietary supplement can affect other medication. It is suggested to allow at least two hours before or after taking any medication. May cause temporary darkening of the stool.